Anton Goodman
Stories from the ground Since November I have led Rabbis for Human Rights humanitarian aid program to West Bank Palestinian Communities. Working on the ground in the West Bank in these difficult times provides a window into Palestinian life under occupation, and during the war. In this session, I will share and unpack stories of experiences, from the perspective of a Jewish human rights activist.
Religious Radicalization in Israel For many years I have run a campaign against the rise of religious extremism among the national religious population in Israel. In this session, I will present the theology and politics of Jewish extremism, using primary sources from Rabbis and footage from the ground.
Non-binary Conflict Resolution We are often presented with the idea that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a zero sum game, binary reality. This is the paradigm we need to challenge. In this session I will present the diversity of identities and attitudes, leading to an understanding of the complexity of our conflict and the need for a new paradigm based on human rights, and the inherent sanctity of all human life.